Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas.

I would
like to put
up a tree in my
heart and instead
of hanging presents
I would like to put the
names of all my Friends.
Close friends and not so close
friends. The old friends, the new
friends, those that I see every day and
the ones that I rarely see. The ones that I
always remember and the ones I sometimes
forget. The ones that are always there, and the
ones that seldom are. The friends of difficult times
and the ones of happy times. Friends who without meaning
to, I have hurt, or without meaning to, have hurt me. Those I
know well, those I only know by name. Those who owe me a little,
those I owe a lot. My humble friends and my important friends. The
names of all those who have passed through my life, no matter how
fleetingly. A tree with deep
roots, and very strong
branches so that their
names may never be
plucked from my
heart. So that
new names
from all over

may join the existing ones. A tree with very
pleasant shade so my friendships may take a
moment to rest from the battles of life. May
the happy moments of Christmas brighten
every day of the New Year are my sincere wishes.

Have a wonderful day, keep safe, and from our house to yours,

Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Yvonne Randall said...

What a great idea. I've never seen anything like this before.


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